100 days of small drawings

The idea behind the 100 day project is pretty simple. Chose something to do and do it for 100 days and post your progress. I started this project as the world plunged into the global pandemic of 2020, I was at home and my work hours were reduced so a form of routine to keep me grounded seemed like a good idea.

It was also the first project I presented on my Patreon page. Patreon is a way for artists and other creators to receive monetary support from their friends and fans. Although I was reluctant to put something for sale behind a sort of paywall I went for it anyway as an experiment. All drawings were for sale exclusively to my patrons originally, all for the same price regardless of size. Each one was accompanied by some writing, sometimes explaining the inspiration for each piece and sometimes going into technical details or related stories. All of them are done on 1/2 inch thick birch plywood with sizes varying from 2.5 inches to 5 inches on any side.

These are now available for purchase on my shop.

This gallery contains the first 50 drawings, from April ,7th 2020 to May 26th 2020:

For the second set of 50 I decided to experiment a little bit with color so I began adding touches here and there. The first 50 had only black and white acrylic ink applied with acrylic markers and dip pens. And for the second set of 50 I added color mostly with Posca acrylic markers.

For those who enjoy technical details I’ll say I enjoy using black Montana brand water based acrylic paint for both markers and dip pen, and Golden brand Titanium White high flow acrylic. The wood is prepared by applying 3 coats of clear gesso, and sanding when dry with 400 grit sand paper to get a flat surface. I use a couple of coats of clear finish at the end. All of these have a hanger and maker’s mark on the back made out of laser cut 1/8 inch birch plywood attached with wood glue and a couple of #4 x 1/2 in. wood screws.

Thanks for looking!